4 Golden Nuggets To Live By

We’re often embarrassed by our parents, especially during our adolescent years. Appearing to be reliant on the older human (mainly parent) was taboo in my neighbourhood. Defiance and nonconformity were the bees’ knees, closely followed by a premature false sense of self-sufficiency.

A lot of it was fuelled by peer pressure and trying to be the coolest kid on the planet. There was always a bunch of girls around egging you on to be foolish. That usually ended in tears. 

I’ve been living by my father’s sayings most of my adult life. It has toughened me up and made me look at the world in an open-minded way. My father was a legend who had a unique way of teaching us the fundamentals of life.

What Will The Neighbours Say Syndrome

I guess you can deduce what this little gem is all about. Most people who know this have been living by their thinking, creativity, visions and imagination. But some people are always trying to please everyone or putting on a show for their neighbours. They’re concerned about what the next person is going to say. It limits their ability to live to their fullest potential. This type of existence or mentality hinders progress. You’ll always be discontent, thus leading to unhappiness and bitterness.

Do what pleases you as long as it’s within the legal boundaries because other people are living their lives too. Be yourself and contribute positively to community/society by helping and working with others.

Always Use Different Routes When Going To And From The Shops

Jokingly, my father once said that if you use the same path every day, you become an easy target for kidnappers and robbers. I thought to myself, why would someone want to kidnap or rob me. As someone who used idioms and metaphors, my father meant something different from his actual words. I missed the point about exploring and learning something new. The kidnappers and robbers possibly symbolise an idle mind.

Never be predictable, that’s boring, always leave people guessing your next move. Be spontaneous and use different routes when you can. Who knows, there might be opportunities in the different paths you take. Always search for multiple ways to improve your health, relationships and finances. Be creative, diverse and flexible. Never become rigid and judgmental like the school system.

View The World The Same Way You View And Read A Newspaper

It baffles me, despite the technology, some people are quite ignorant and only evolve around their little worlds. Narrow mindedness can lead you into a life of victimhood. By holding the newspaper at a distance, you can see both pages clearly from top to bottom and left to right. It becomes easy to skim read and skip through the stuff that doesn’t interest you.

Have a broader view of the world instead of just your immediate surroundings. Travelling is a cure for ignorance. Meet and interact with different people from different countries other than your circle of friends or relatives. These activities create new neural pathways in your brain. It increases creativity and other vital skills needed to lead a fulfilling life.

Never Be Laughed At By Those You Laugh At

Hopefully, you realise this is all figurative language, and I don’t condone laughing at others. However, it’s my favourite and the funniest because there are different variations of it. Don’t be $hi**ed on by those you $h*t on – is another version of it. Some people claim to know it all and are full of themselves, don’t ever stoop down to their level. Always try to be the bigger man and strive to be the best version of yourself daily. Maintain your dignity and make sure that people don’t take your kindness for weakness. Mark Twain said, “never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

You must always keep an open mind. No one knows everything and be willing to learn something new all the time. Once you get to the top, stay humble but don’t let people walk all over you. Live life to the fullest and explore all the different opportunities out there because life is too short. I thank you, Dad, for shaping the man I am today.

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