How to Start a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business in 2022

Lifestyle businesses have been on the rise for a while now. Millionaires seem to be popping out of the woodwork – left, right and centre. Unfortunately, scammers lurk in the intricate wires of the cyber world. So, if you have the nose of a lifelong learner, you will sniff out the fakers from the real shakers. 

A lot of people are leaving full-time employment in favour of side hustles. These side hustles have become so lucrative that most people don’t need their main jobs anymore. The laptop lifestyle is getting more attractive and gaining more traction by the second. You’ll be insane not to have a little peek to see what the hype is all about.  

low-cost, low-risk

Whether you have an online business, website, blog or not, you can start affiliate marketing immediately. It’s one of the easiest and fastest ways of making some side money online. Little or no monetary investment is required to start affiliate marketing. I recommend it to those who want to dip their toes into eCommerce without risking a lot.

Don’t get stuck in the instant gratification trap. You’ll be disappointed if you treat this like a get-rich-quick scheme. Like I mentioned earlier, you must put the work in but most importantly, enjoy it and immerse yourself.  

Research and Select a Profitable Niche/Product/Service

A niche is a distinct segment of a market. Supplements can be considered a niche in the health and fitness industry. You must research well if you’re looking for something sustainable with good returns. It’s advisable to start with something you love or a hobby, but make sure there’s enough demand. You don’t have to stick with a niche, but you can test it out. If it’s not your thing, you can always try something different. If you already know what you want to pursue, that’s great. 

By researching the big players in your chosen niche, you’ll soon learn if there’s potential or not. The sweet spot you’re aiming for is a product or service that is not only scalable but profitable and enjoyable. There are more chances of quitting when you’re bored, so try to pursue something enjoyable. 

There’s no shame in starting small. The journey will be worth your while. Subsequently, you can start broad and then niche down to gain a more specific target audience. A concentrated audience might be all you need because these are passionate people who tend to become genuine customers. There’s a lot of money to be made in these micro-niches, but you must do your research and dig deep.  

types of products

You can promote the following three types of products: physical, information and services. I prefer information products because they’re more profitable and less problematic. There are lots of options to explore depending on your industry. For example, I can get on the affiliate programs of WordPress, Hostinger or Elementor because I use them on my website. For further examples check out my resources page.

I usually advertise products that I use or have used in the past. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t try all the products, but always provide honest and authentic information for your audience. I also promote products that trustworthy people have recommended. 

As well as interest and demand, make sure there are affiliate programs available for your chosen niche to maximise your sales. Be aware of your competition and do some research to see whether there’s enough room for you to make money in your chosen niche.  

Research And Choose Good Affiliate Programs

This next stage is all about getting with the right people who can guide you along the journey and offer great products on a platform that’s easy to learn. You must search for a program that offers big commissions and looks after associates professionally.  

Like searching for a product, be mindful of how the affiliate program will go with your audience. Your chosen affiliate program must reflect your niche. If your website is about personal development, there’s no point in choosing an affiliate program that only deals with baby clothes. Advertising baby clothes on a self-help website will not sit well with your audience; you’ll appear money-hungry and unorganised.  

It pays off to be trustworthy, and you must be genuinely willing to help others by providing quality products and relevant information. Make sure you learn everything about the products and believe in them. Some bogus entrepreneurs con others to make a quick buck in the cyber world. Don’t ever fall into that trap. 

Patience is key

Your first commissions from your affiliate programs may take time, but you must be patient because it’s worth it. As you research, check whether similar sellers are using the same programs. It’s an indicator of the likelihood of success for yourself. As time goes by and you become more experienced, you can develop a product yourself. 

Only pick 1 or 2 products to promote when you’re getting acquainted with big sites like Amazon, Clickbank or Shareasale. Get used to a few products first, do thorough research, and become an expert in those products. Once you’re comfortable with them, you can expand your product portfolio slowly and strategically. If you’re choosing products on these affiliate networks, do thorough background research on the vendors.

Build A Website For Affiliate Marketing  

Most people think it’s hard building a website from scratch, but if you’re serious, patient and willing to learn, you can save a lot of money by having a go yourself. There are platforms like WordPress with ready-to-go themes and page builders like Elementor that give you the freedom to customise your website. You don’t need a qualified programmer or developer because you can learn everything online. You can do a lot with a theme like Kadence.

It gets easier as you go along putting everything together. I’m a firm believer in the notion that the universe will give you whatever energy you put out. The more you focus and believe in yourself and that anything is possible, the more your chances of success increase. If you’re positive, and enthusiastic and take massive action, you’ll soon bear the fruits of your labour. 

Only when you’re committed and dedicated should you build a website. It’s a lot of work, especially if you’re building from the ground up, with little or no funding and no technical skills. It’s about the journey, and when you come out on the other side victorious, only can you appreciate it. 

You need a host and a platform to build your website, and you’re good to go. With the tools available, you don’t even need to know any coding, and the basics are not that difficult to learn. There are templates to build from and page builders that are easy to master.  

Social Media For Affiliate Marketing 

Social media is the best route to reach many people quickly and easily. You can use paid or free ads, but as the saying goes, there’s usually more work to be done if it’s free. I can show you the different ways and the ones I use. As you may have gathered, I’ve been doing most of the work, so my routes mostly favour free methods and tools.  

I started this website with money just for web hosting, and the only other thing I’ve invested in is myself (potential, time and effort). Delaying gratification is something you should practice if you want to achieve greatness.  

You can easily share links with friends and family for free. That’ll let you quickly gain traction in your marketing. If your offers and content are helpful, you’ll soon see people responding positively. 

Produce Engaging and Quality Content 

They say content is king, and it’s true. You must drive traffic to your site, and you need quality content to do that. Without traffic, there are no leads, no sales and no profit. Try out different types of content and figure out what drives people to your website. They say that videos are the number one way to interact with your audience, but it can be difficult when you’re just starting. Focus on generating intent-driven content to get people to engage in whatever you’re sharing.

Spy on your competition’s content. You must ask yourself the following questions: am I solely doing this for affiliate marketing or blog monetisation? Must I create the content myself? Should I hire writers? Can I buy from content mills? These are all viable ways to get content on your website. It also depends on your level of marketing expertise or how deep your pockets are. 

Of course, you can do all of this by yourself, though it takes time and effort. I think it’s worth it in the end. You can learn a lot from the process and grow as an entrepreneur. Be mindful of purchasing generic online content because it can cripple your business’ credibility. 

Build and Keep a Dedicated Following 

Join social media platforms and start advertising your content. People will follow once you start producing quality and engaging content. Being consistent with your audience’s expectations is key to keeping them engaged with your brand, in monetary terms or readership. 

Ensure your content offers practical and actionable solutions to problems. Is your content educative or entertaining? Either way, your content must be of high quality and value. There’s no point churning out chunks of content blindly, hoping something will bite. That’ll only lead to burnout and eventually quitting.  

Understanding and knowing who you’re targeting will make your content more focused. Find out where your audiences hang out online. That’ll be the driving force behind your reputation and building your following systematically. If you’re promoting something you feel passionate about, you probably know the demographic and where to find them. 

no website, no problem

As I mentioned earlier, you can do affiliate marketing without owning a website. There are different ways you can promote products and attract potential customers. These ways are also 100% available if you own or decide to start a website, but you don’t necessarily have to implement them. I’m talking about finding ways of advertising your unique affiliate links on forums, blogs and comment sections of prominent websites in your chosen niche – the list goes on.  

Make sure you’re not breaking any laws if you decide to engage in this venture. Always check with the online community, group or forum if they allow members to post affiliate links. You can also do this on social media platforms where you can advertise affiliate links. Always check the policies of the platforms regarding affiliate marketing beforehand.

Promote Worthwhile Affiliate Offers 

There are several ways to promote your offers, and you can also track what’s working or not. To make this work takes time, but it’s worth it. You must consistently create, promote, market, innovate and sell. Only promote affiliate offers that resonate with your audience. Make sure what you’re offering is of significant value to your audience. The product must match your content.  

You can promote affiliate offers in many ways, but the bottom line is to build trust with your audience. Without further ado, let me dive into these methods that’ll help you start raking in the funds. The list includes old and new ways of reaching many people strategically and authentically.

  • Email Marketing 
  • Banner Ads 
  • In-text Content Links 
  • Free Giveaways 
  • Guest Blogging/Own Blog 
  • Social Media Posting 
  • Product/Service Reviews
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Helpful Videos
  • Webinars

By building an Email List, you place yourself in an advantageous position because the value of your audience’s details is immeasurable. You can always return to the same audience with new and different offers or upsell existing ones. That’s how you build repeat customers and create a loyal following. An email list is also something that you own and is very valuable. 

Banner Ads will show your audience that you’re dedicated. Avoid overdoing it because it’ll only be messy and can appear spammy. Make sure the banner ads are placed strategically within your website and email campaigns. Banner ads can enhance the look of your website if done correctly and sparingly.

In-Text Content Links, aka hyperlinks, are a great way to increase content credibility. It shows that you’ve researched, and a hyperlink is evidence of that, especially if it’s a link to a recognised or respected authority. When using hyperlinks, ensure they’re not for gaining clout but are genuine links to helpful sites and content.

We all want Free Giveaways; these words are like magic to a new freelancer or anyone using the internet. The more you have strategic and informative giveaways, the more you can grow an audience. Free giveaways are an effective way to grow an email list, and you can promote your products to a growing audience.

SEO is an advantage to those who know how the algorithm works. Even if you don’t know, keyword search is imperative to your success. There are specific search queries that your target audience uses. Knowing that will help increase your organic traffic and inform your content creation.

be seen and heard

Product/Service Reviews enable you to become a well-informed player in your niche. Always do helpful and informative reviews that the audience will appreciate and spark a conversation. That’s one of the best and quickest ways to become an authority in your niche.

Guest Blogging puts you in a strategic position because you’ll be getting around the block. The more your name and articles appear on different websites – the more your authority grows in the niche. It also helps with networking and getting noticed by diverse audiences. Guest blogging is another way of enhancing your writing skills.

Social Media Posting is probably the best way to engage your audience more authentically and intimately. Affiliate marketing takes to social media like fish to water. If you want longevity in the affiliate marketing arena, you must become acquainted with social media posting. 

Helpful Videos are similar to product reviews. The main difference is that product reviews don’t necessarily have to be in video form. Like webinars, videos help by putting a face behind the product. With understandable and precise calls to action, you can increase leads and clicks. Videos can aid in adding authenticity to your character and business. 

Webinars enable you to interact with your audience on a more intimate level. When they see your face, it adds value to your business. Webinars are one of the best ways to answer questions from your audience directly and immediately. They learn more and are bound to become repeat customers if you put on a good show.

Use Redirects for Affiliate Links 

Using redirects is a way to shorten the URLs of your affiliate links to make them attractive. You can track the clicks on your links by choosing the right tool for the job. Despite what pessimists mention, I’ve done my research and safely say that Google doesn’t hate redirects or affiliate sites.

Redirects make your links look clean and easy to memorise. Affiliate links become easier to manage when you introduce redirects. Lastly, redirects also reduce the chances of your affiliate links getting mixed up with other marketers’ links or affiliate IDs.


The best people to follow are those who’ve successfully done it. These people offer honest and genuine information. As I mentioned earlier, affiliate marketing is a great way to learn how to do business online but not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Affiliate marketing is an appropriate business model for those with multiple interests who aren’t afraid. Action is the key to this venture. Information and know-how only come after you’ve decided to act. Align your mental state with your actions, and everything will fall into place. I didn’t know how far I would go, but I told myself to keep going, and all the technical bits got easier. I learned on the job. Many people think it’s a mountain to climb, but all you need is your time and mental resilience. 

become a vendor

You’ll gain a vast knowledge of the affiliate marketing process, the industry and the tools. You’ll become an expert in your chosen niche who knows the buyer behaviours of the people you serve. That can also open doors once you understand the basics of eCommerce through affiliate marketing. You can always progress in producing and selling your products, thus becoming a vendor and getting others to sell your products. 

Now is the time to embark on affiliate marketing due to the uncertainty of the global economy. The pandemic has negatively impacted many people. A side hustle that can generate a passive income might be what you need. Get acquainted with information age navigation skills and begin your journey to financial freedom.

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