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The story behind the community of spiritually aware lifelong learners

Hello, I am Graham S Mungoshi and welcome to Lifelong Learner Lifestyle: The Community of Spiritually Aware Lifelong Learners.

I am a content creator, an entrepreneur, and a lifelong learner. I am strongly interested in continuous learning and personal growth in all aspects of my life. Each day, I aim to become the best version of myself.

The purpose of establishing Lifelong Learner Lifestyle was to assist others in cultivating a mindset focused on growth and refining essential life skills. My dedication lies in sharing concepts, tactics, and guidance on personal development, spiritual awareness, and online business. Specifically, the primary online business models I concentrate on are print-on-demand, affiliate marketing, and content marketing.

The fundamental goal of Lifelong Learner Lifestyle is to engage in teaching and learning simultaneously. We aim to advance intellectually and spiritually as a spiritually conscious lifelong learners’ community.

The key to success is to attune yourself to a frequency that aligns with your learning, spirituality, and actions.

As Within, So Without - As Above, So Below

What you’re feeling on the inside is being mirrored back to you on the outside. That’s why it’s important to strive to be the best version of yourself at all times. Always love and respect yourself, others and nature because your feelings create your reality.

After university I found myself doing part-time and dead-end jobs with no opportunities for progression. I later discovered that opportunities were always available but I couldn’t see them. That’s because I thought I deserved better. I focused on other jobs and places, instead of striving to be the best wherever I was at the time. That led to deep depression and misery.

Finding true happiness

There’s nothing wrong with focusing or visualising future goals, it’s highly encouraged, but make sure it’s not to the detriment of the present day. Fulfilment and true happiness can only happen in the present, so value and appreciate every moment of the here and now. We can manage our thoughts and feelings better by practising mindfulness and meditation.

Everything starts with an idea and we’re living in an era where information is abundant and readily available. Nothing can stop us and as we nurture our mind, body and spirit, we can grow to unfathomable heights. You’ll realise the opportunities are endless by searching deep inside yourself. Visualisation, imagination and curiosity can open your mind leading to immense creativity. Furthermore, by adopting a growth mindset you become resilient to negative energy.

Uplift Yourself - Uplift Others

The more you choose to do things that uplift yourself and others the more your Spirit can shine, can heal you, can lead your life. What can you do today to uplift yourself? To uplift others?

Sonia Choquette

Lifelong Learner Lifestyle is built upon the premise that the master learns just as much as the student, if not more. I believe the best way to achieve mastery over any subject matter is to teach someone.

Spiritually Aware Lifelong Learners understand the value in helping their peers learn better and contribute to making the world a better place. Whether you need the inspiration to live a better life, motivation to be more productive or help with starting and running an online business, Lifelong Learner Lifestyle offers support by sharing real life experiences, research and guidance.

Free Your Mind

Having worked in the mental health sector for a long time, I’ve learnt a lot about the power of the mind. I’ve seen people overcome depression, stress, anxiety, anger and panic attacks by using a variety of methods. These methods, including mindfulness, can be incorporated into everyday life to boost a positive attitude, and maintain good physical and mental health.

From strategies and ideas to resources and tools, I will transparently share the very best of what I continue to discover. I strongly believe that these discoveries will make a big difference in your life, as they have made in mine.

Knowledge Without Action is Wastefulness And Action Without Knowledge is Foolishness

Are you an information junkie? Do you regularly find yourself stuck because of information overload or analysis paralysis? If your answer is yes, you suffer from Information Age Ailments. Lifelong Learner Lifestyle is the antidote.

These information-age ailments can be devastating and crippling, especially if you’re unaware. Information overload will make you feel inferior and stop you from taking action. Following fake news and misleading information can cost time, money and even emotional distress.

Spiritually aware lifelong learners can retrieve, organise and use information, resources and tools effectively and efficiently. When you become one, you’ll consistently apply what you learn to live a satisfying, fulfilling and happier life.

what is lifelong learning?

Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Therefore, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness and employability. Wikipedia

Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Potential With Panache

Starting an online business is not as difficult as some people say. Fear of the unknown, uncertainty and self-doubt often stop people from fulfilling their dreams and aspirations. By shifting your mindset you can overcome these barriers and become a successful online entrepreneur.

There are several online businesses you can start with little to no investment. It's mostly up to how much time and effort you're willing to put in. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make money on the internet and you don't even need to own a website. Print on demand is another easy way of getting started with eCommerce and you can also earn a lot of money doing this, whether you're a professional or not.

Lifelong Learner Lifestyle shares information, tools and real-life examples on how you can become prosperous following any of the online business models mentioned above. As a Spiritually Aware Lifelong Learner, not only will you become a successful entrepreneur, but a well-rounded, grounded and immensely creative human being making a change in the world.

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